Tuesday, January 18, 2011

'Beats' delivers a full dose of finger-snapping rebellion

Long before the moniker "hipster" was applied liberally to anyone rocking a pair of skinny jeans and an ironic vintage tee, the Beats were going on the road, on the stage and sometimes on the police blotter, creating a new vision for America that veered far away from the complacency and conformity of the Eisenhower/McCarthy era. Marilyn Campbell's adaptation of Beat poetry, philosophy, and kinda-sorta biography, first staged at Writers' Theatre back in 1997, returns for our current age of discontent at 16th Street Theater. It feels less like a play than an impressionistic collage of voices and verses, memories and manifestoes, but as the success of Def Poetry Jam proved, there is an audience eager to hear passionate and witty dispatches from the culture wars, no matter the era.

16th Street artistic director Ann Filmer steers a young and engaging five-member cast through two acts that draw from the words of Beats both famous (Jack Kerouac, Gary Snyder and of course Allen Ginsberg, whose "Howl" remains the ur-text of Beat poetry) to lesser-known (Bob Kaufman, Ed Sanders and Hettie Jones — once married to LeRoi Jones/Amiri Baraka, and, as the informative lobby display tells us, the person who helped Ginsberg with the Jewish prayer for the dead that formed the basis for his "Kaddish").

Though the actors are identified in the program as archetypes — Holy Hipster, Student, Dharma Bum, Jazz Cat and Beat Chick — they all eventually take on characteristics of particular Beat writers, with John Taflan's turn as the young and feverishly Beat-vangelic Ginsberg and Carly Ciarrocchi's incendiary delivery of Diane DiPrima's "Rant" ("The only war that matters is the war against the imagination!") being particular stand-outs.

Along the way, we learn some interesting factoids — such as the genesis of the iconic Beat finger snaps. (They were substituted for applause, which would bring down the wrath of noise-hating neighbors and police at poetry readings.) And since it's not a Beat happening without some jazz hepcats, it's great to hear the live drum-and-bass work from Grant Strombeck and Ivan Smalley (the latter substituting for regular bassist Doug Lofstrom).

There are a few moments in Campbell's script that feel precious — but then, the Beats were a youth-driven movement and it's the prerogative of young people to engage in self-indulgent myth-making. Not even the sneering coverage by Paul O'Neil of Life magazine (enacted here in a gleeful interlude) could derail the heady provocations of one of America's most transformative home-grown literary movements. And when the whole cast joins at the end in delivering "I Am Waiting" by Lawrence Ferlinghetti (who braved obscenity charges in publishing "Howl" and is still, at nearly 92, keeping the movement fires burning), you may well feel like going out and searching for your own rebirth of hip and heartfelt wonder.

Source http://www.chicagotribune.com/entertainment/theater/ct-live-0119-beats-review-20110118,0,6753560.story

Monday, January 10, 2011

National upheavals with roots in Arizona

Long before the Tea Party entered the modern political lexicon, Arizona was tacking to the populist right, navigating the rest of the nation toward an angry brand of political rebellion. Herewith, the Arizona roots of some recent national upheavals.


Passed in April of last year, Arizona Senate Bill 1070 gave police unprecedented authority to stop and check anyone they suspected of being an illegal immigrant.

The bill incited a wave of protests in more than 70 U.S. cities.

The U.S. Department of Justice and several rights groups filed suit against the new law, declaring it unconstitutional and contrary to civil rights law. The lawsuits prompted a U.S. District Court judge to issue a temporary injunction against the bill's more controversial elements. A three-judge panel is mulling the injunction.

Eventually legal arguments over the law are expected to reach the Supreme Court. A collection of rights organizations are now challenging the legislation's remaining measures, including a ban on hiring day labourers off the street.

State governments in Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Michigan, Minnesota and South Carolina are contemplating similar legislation.

Elton John, Kanye West and outspoken Chicago White Sox manager Ozzie Guillen all publicly endorsed a national boycott against Arizona. Some estimates suggest the boycott cost the state upwards of $140-million.

One population survey found that 100,000 Hispanics have left the state since the legislation was passed.

Health care

As soon as Obama's health-care bill came into effect, 13 states led by Florida filed a legal challenge to the legislation in U.S. District Court. Arizona eventually signed on.

In November Arizona joined Virginia in approving a measure that would change the state constitutions to ban forced participation in health-care plans, a clear denunciation of President Barack Obama's health-care overhaul.

On the night the House of Representatives passed Obama's health-care reform bill, someone smashed a glass window at Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords's Tuscon office. Vandals also attacked supporters of health-care reform in New York, Virginia, Michigan and South Carolina.

In 2009, unruly crowds protesting Obama's health-care overhaul disrupted several events held by Arizona lawmakers. Democratic Congresswoman Ann Kirkpatrick had to cancel one appearance due to the rowdy mobs and Rep. Giffords was confronted by a hostile crowd at a “Congress on Your Corner” event. The antagonistic approach was soon adopted by Obamacare opponents across the country.

Sub prime

The online foreclosure monitor RealtyTrac predicts that 2011 will bring another record for national foreclosures. California, Florida and Nevada lead the pack.

Arizona's foreclosure rate remains among the nation's worst, posting repossession records in each of the last three years.

Last week, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke predicted that the U.S. employment rate would not recover to normal levels for four or five years, due in part to the economic drag of a depressed housing market.

Tea Party

One of the country's best organized Tea Party groups shifted Arizona's political landscape in the 2010 midterms, ousting two Democratic representatives and giving Senator John McCain such a strong challenge that he dropped $21-million on his successful re-election bid.

The state House of Representatives passed the “birther bill” requiring presidential candidates to show proof they were born in the Unite States. The Senate later killed the bill after intense national ridicule. Similar bills have been proposed in Oklahoma, Florida and Missouri.

Thousands of Arizona Tea Party supporters have turned out for dozens of rallies opposing Obamacare, sales taxes, big government and excessive government spending.

Gun control

In January, 2010, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer passed a law that gave Arizona some of the country's most lax gun laws. Anyone over the age of 21 can pack a concealed gun without a permit.

Democratic Rep Carolyn McCarthy of New York announced on Monday plans for legislation that would restrict the type of high-capacity ammunition clips like the one Jared Lee Loughner allegedly used during the shooting spree.

The Arizona legislature is now considering a bill that would allow professors and students to carry guns on campus.

Source http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/world/americas/national-upheavals-with-roots-in-arizona/article1865003/